Active streams will bring a whole new level of biodiversity to your space.

Enjoy the sounds of nature. No car traffic noise here.

Floating fountains not only add beauty, but also add beneficial circulation and much needed oxygen t

BEFORE Renovation – This feature had no key elements, to a well functioning water feature.

EPDM 45 mil liner – The excavation below and the liner size and installation will determine the final results.

Always use the manufacturer installation guide for optimal results.

Pump vault, very important for many reasons, including maintenance and access to pump.

AFTER – You new oasis of calm...Enjoy!

Ponds & Water Garden

Ponds & Water Garden

Ponds & Water Garden

Ponds & Water Garden

This is the result of a full renovation using all key elements to a well functioning water feature.

We call it a day at the spa for your local feather friends.

The owners here wanted to drown the noise from the highway close by. Even with the limited space, we were able to achieve just that and more.

Small pond and waterfall for those limited spaces.

Shallow streams are achievable.. With a little more flow and adequate filtration, including UV to el

Dryscape bird sanctuary paradise. If we can do it with water, we can most certainly do it without.

Have a seat, bring a book, or simply enjoy the refreshing, relaxing moments near your own waters edge.

Biological (media) filtration aquaculture and large koi ponds. Mechanical rooms available for residential and commercial needs. Also bottom circulation and aeration available for large projects.



Just add water. Pondless made easy.

Smaller filters with UVC are available for smaller ponds

Benefits of filters with UVC, clear water

Ponds & Water Garden

Front home entrance can you say WOW!

Japanese natural outdoor onsen relaxing batch with outdoor shower

Example of a well balanced ecosystem including filtration

Commercial floating fountains with many other benefits than beauty
Contact us today for a FREE CONSULTATION.
One call does it all 250-667-7349